Donor Programme Partners (DPP) & International Partner Organisations (IPO)

Credit: Riksantikvaren

The Donor Programme Partners are mostly public bodies with national mandates in their respective fields. They play a strategic role in programme planning and implementation, as well as in facilitating project partnerships. During the 2014-2021 funding period, 21 Donor Programme Partners have been involved. Furthermore, to ensure that the programmes and projects promoted by the EEA and Norway Grants comply with European and international conventions, the Donor States have established partnerships with three International Partner Organisations (IPOs). These organisations share the same aims and values as the EEA and Norway Grants and add value at a strategic level in relevant areas.

Donor Programme Partners by Beneficiary State 2014-2021

ICELANDNational Energy Authorityxxx
ICELANDIcelandic Centre for Researchxxxx
LIECHTENSTEINNational Agency for International Education Affairsxxxxxxxx
NORWAYArts Council Norwayxxxxxxxx
NORWAYNorwegian Barents Secretariatx
NORWAYNorwegian Courts Administrationxxxx
NORWAYNorwegian Directorate for Civil Protectionxxx
NORWAYNorwegian Institute of Public Healthxxxx
NORWAYNorwegian Directorate of Healthxxxx
NORWAYInnovation Norwayxxxxxx
NORWAYDirectorate of Norwegian Correctional Servicexxxxxx
NORWAYNorwegian Association of Local and Regional Authoritiesxxxx
NORWAYEquality and Anti-Discrimination Ombudx
NORWAYNorwegian Environment Agencyxxxxxxxx
NORWAYNorwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Securityxxxx
NORWAYResearch Council of Norwayxxxxxxx
NORWAYNorwegian Water Resources and Energy Directoratexxxxx
NORWAYNorwegian National Police Directoratexxx
NORWAYDirectorate for Cultural Heritagexxxxxxx
NORWAYNorwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skillsxxxxxxxxxx
NORWAYNorwegian Directorate of Immigrationxxx

International Partner Organisations by Beneficiary State 2014-2021

Figures indicate the number of programmes per country the organisation is involved in as International Partner Organisation at programme level.

Council of Europe3311132
Fundamental Rights Agency11
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development111